There are many interviewers trying to anticipate whether the candidates are appropriate for the open job posting. Thus, they would love to enjoy some questions both to measure the capability you have and to learn about your personal features. One of the questions is what your passion is. It is the question in that they try to understand how capable you are along with some skills you have. That is to say, the answer you give them might change your route of life, provided that you answer his question not only professionally but also satisfactorily. It is up to your answer that has prosperous reply. This passage mentions about what the passion is, why you come across this question in the interview, how you should answer this question.
What is Passion?
Passion is something that you can’t stand doing it. That is to say, it is something that you get the motivation by doing many activities. For instance, horse riding can be motivating activity, and you love doing this activity. Besides, you often go horse riding at the weekends, which is inevitable for you. In addition, the passion you possess could be swimming, which you cannot help doing it on weekdays after work. Since you feel that it helps you to relax and to motivate you for the career life. Moreover, success you have during your career life makes you feel good, which can be other option for the passion. People become satisfied with the results of achievements, too.
Why Is It a Question?
There are many causes leading the employers to ask such a question.
Hobbies: They would like to learn about your hobbies or phobias, which helps them to learn more information and details about you.
Personality Details: They would learn whether you are suitable for the position or not. They will also be able to answer the questions such are you eager? Or do you have courage or ambition? By this way, they could sort the all question marks about you by asking this question.
Capacity to Work Consistently: You can answer this question in order to show how you are patient to fulfill activities or responsibilities. For instance, you can get bored because of one activity you do easily. That is to say, they don’t want to place these candidates on the open positions. Thus, they would like to work with the people having tolerance and patience.
Relation with Job Posting: It is important that you should mention about your passions that are related with the job postings. Think it twice and answer such questions on the base of requirements.
How Answer?
It is important to answer this question professionally and effectively.
You can say that you are passionate about kids; thus, you prefer to work willingly in a kindergarten. Besides, you sing a song well, provided that you posses a music group. Moreover you can add that you are a member of association in that you are responsible for kids who have down-syndrome. Therefore, you should think it in detail by questioning in your mind. And also there are some questions following this question. The topic opens a new topic in the interview. For instance, you say that you are passionate about reading poems. As a result, they might wish you to explain the poem you memorized before. And also they may ask whom that poem belongs to. That’s why, you should think it on the mind before going an interview. You should answer this question by means of self confidence. Thus, you should prepare before going there.
Steps You Should Follow
Prepare All the Answers Before
You should answer in a detailed way so that you seem knowledgeable. That is to say, you should make a guess about the possible questions you might come across on your mind. You should answer all these questions that the question about passion brings about with your data you have. It is so important to miss these questions to take their appreciations. Thus, it will be easier way to seem professionally and equipped with information. For instance, provided that you love watching movies, you should come across the question of which kind of movies do you like. Thus, you should also answer this question with the movie you watched before with the scenario in detail.
 Don’t Hesitate to Give Examples
If you are passionate about something, you can say these by means of giving some examples of skills that contributes you. For instance, you like playing chess, so you can say that it increases your ability to sort the problems out. Besides, it enables you to think analytically to some extent. By this way, you improve skills such as problem solving, analytical thinking. Moreover, provided that you are passionate about race of bikes, it shows how you have ambition to achieve the goals. Furthermore, you are passionate about going abroad, travelling other countries, which show how you have the ability to learn various languages. These all examples show the capabilities and competences about the open job positions. Employers determine whether you will achieve the job you apply or not.

Cause of Your Preference
It is significant why you choose this option for your passion. They might not ask this question but you had rather tell the reason of it. For instance, your dad died because of renal shutdown, which causes to choose the option of helping the people who have troubles about renal shutdown. You can express your reason explicitly. Or riding horse gives you fresh air or increases the creativity of your own.
Don’t Exaggerate
Your passion should be on a specific line, and you should arrange it without exaggeration. You don’t have to say that you are swimming for the competitions worldwide. Or you spend your whole time on your passion. This might reduce the possibility to get the job. Since, they might think that you don’t have enough time to work owing to the time you spend on passion.
All in all, all the passionate activities you have should be well organized, well- thought before the interview. It also helps your self confidence to improve. Think such a question which brings about any other questions. Prepare well and answer all the questions professionally. Don’t mention about the passionate activities you cannot answer and you don’t much information about.