Trade Schools aims to train qualified intermediate staff. Graduates of trade vocational schools can work in various fields such as accounting, banking, office services, cooperatives. Also, they can be foreign trade, stock exchange services, insurance, real estate, computer fields as trade school jobs.
Graduates can use computer and typewriter with the theoretical and practical education. They can solve problems encountered in the field of business. At the same time, they are qualified and able to establish human relations.
Which Professions Do Graduates of Trade Vocational High Schools Acquire?
Employers hire the graduates of Trade Vocational High Schools are employed in areas such as trade, finance, marketing, accountancy, office services. Furthermore, they can be banking, cooperatives, insurance. Also, stock exchange services, secretarial depending on economic and sectoral developments. They can work in public and private sector organizations or establish their own business.
What are The Purposes of Trade Schools?
The aim of the course is to ensure that graduate students have sufficient knowledge to help them solve problems in business and management. At the same time, they allow graduates to gain extensive and detailed information about business administration.
Trade Teachers of vocational schools give project work in order to ensure the development of students. Thus, students will learn the functions of determining, planning, organizing, coordinating, executing and controlling a specific subject by their projects. Again, thanks to the project, students will have the ability to work with other people on a particular topic and to present a finalized work.

What are The Trade School Jobs?
Accounting and Finance:
Branches based on accounting and finance are computerized accounting staff, office of foreign trade, finance and stock exchange services. Accounting personnel are the intermediaries who perform the accounting procedures in accordance with the company policies. They are responsible for financial transactions.
Foreign trade is the section where employees are involved in export and import transactions. The employees of foreign trade take part in the establishment of links for the purchase and sale of international goods. He/she also serves as an intermediary in establishing the necessary contracts.
- Employee continuously follows the work to ensure that the goods purchased abroad are on time.
- He/She performs the necessary transactions for the delivery of the goods (export goods) to be sold to the country in time and in the desired manner.
- Also, he/she ensures that the price of the goods received from abroad is paid in accordance with the contract. They try to ensure that the money of the goods sold abroad is also received on time.
Let’s Review Important Professions!
Marketing and Retail:
Branches, based on marketing and retail, are sales staff, insurance, real estate brokerage. Marketing is a comprehensive business activity. It includes starting, selling and after-sales activities of the product before production. Salesman is the person who organizes business, prepares for pre-sale, negotiates with customers. They follow up sales transactions. It is also a qualified person who controls after-sales transactions and prepares for the next day.
Information Technologies:
Information technology is the means of generating, collecting, accumulating, operating and spreading information. Branches, based on information techologies, are network management, web programming, database programming, computer technical service. For example, the web programmer creates web applications using programming languages. We can define the main tasks of the web programmer as follows.
- Determining the needs of the institution regarding the website or its applications.
- Preparing algorithms and make them ready for use.
- To give an idea about the visual design of the website.
- Working on the design of the website.
- To follow the web developments.
- Edit the data of the web page or app.
At A Glance Trade Schools Jobs!
Office Management and Secretary:
Branches, based on office management and secratary, are executive secretary, trade secretarial, law secretarial, medical secretarial.
Graduates are responsible for management and correspondence, which provide communication in private or public institutions. He/She is also the person who does general office work by assisting senior managers on administrative and office details.
Transportation Services:
Branches, based on transportation services, are logistics. Those who complete the transportation program receive the title of ‘Transport Technician’. Transportation technicians work as assistants to civil engineers. It provides the supervision of the works during the preparation, construction, maintenance. Also, they repair of the projects such as roads and bridges and railway transportation structures. They serve in the execution of office works in freight and passenger transportation.
Electrical-Electronic Technology:
Branches, based on electrical-electronic technology, are office machines technical service, electronics & appliance repair, electromechanical carriers maintenance and repair, video and audio systems.
Electricians install, maintain, and repair electrical wiring and equipment. Daily work can be to use wiring and electrical equipment installation, maintenance and repair and devices to diagnose electrical problems.