If you need a professional resume, firstly you should make a research to find a resume format. A resume should include descriptions of your education, experiences, skills and accomplishments. It is the most important document in your job search.
First Step is to choose the Right Resume for Your Work Experience
The first step is to choose the right resume for your work experience. There are lots of resume formats and types. If you choose a well resume for you, you can prepare it so correctly. You should be careful about some important things like what to include your resume, how you should write it, which font, font size and style you have to use.
In a resume, your educational background, achievements, work experiences and skills should be specified. It should take the employer or Human Resources Specialist’s attention with its content. You should write just necessary information not unnecessary. It should be used short and clear sentences. A resume should be understandable.
Here, you can see a resume which is written as chronologically and organized well. It was started with the most recent position. There is a chronological order. You can use it as your format. It is generally used.

Resumes to Promote Your Qualifications
Nowadays, to write your qualifications isn’t important for an employer or a manager or an authority. The important one is how you express yourself, your experiences, your educational background, etc… Because lots of people look at your resume to evaluate. You have to prepare it so carefully that it should take everyone’s attention. There are some alternative resumes here:
- Resume With Accomplishments Section
- Mini Resumes
- Nontraditional Resumes
- Targeted Resume
Resumes for Private Situations
There was “Great Recession” from 2004 to 2007. And it causes that everyone lost their jobs. Nowadays, younger people are eager for working and they make an effort to have a better job. They always make research about new jobs and they can change their career plan. For such young people, we have resume examples:
- Sample Resume – Career Change
- Resume for a Volunteer Position
Also there are some resumes and they are prepared according to the type of candidate. You can use such formats.
Resume Examples According to Occupations
- Accounting and Finance: A person, who works in accounting and finance sector, should interest in math, calculation and they should have analytic skills.
- Childcare / Education: In this sector, the format of teaching or childcare resume has different types. For example a teacher’s resume is not same with an athletic director.
- Communication / Marketing / Public Relations: People, who work in this sector, have to have a mental agility. They can decide immediately. Under favor of web, they can look for such job applications and resume formats.
Marketing Analyst
Marketing Automation
Market Research Analyst
Writer / Copy Editor
Writing and Marketing
Professional Writer
Social Media
- Customer Service: You are a patient person, you certainly can make this job. You have to have strong interpersonal and communication skills.
Customer Service Manager
- Human Resources: In this sector, you are responsible for recruitment and personals. There are different human resources resumes at below.
Human Resources / Management
Human Resources
Recruiting Manager